Monday 26 October 2015

I finally learnt to tie my shoe laces!

No, I'm not a simpleton who has only just learnt how to tie laces after 29 years of life, but I did find out how to properly tie my laces on my running shoes, preventing any movement or discomfort! It was amazing!

I have to say, though. The run itself was much more amazing. I ran a Race for Life 10k in July, and have maybe ran about 3km-5km a few times after 2 months of no running since then. This usually means I have to start from the beginning again, to try and build my stamina. Considering I'm doing another 10k in a couple of weeks, I realised I needed to get some miles under my belt. So I headed out, thinking I'll go as far as I can. I have a mile route around my house, which is handy because if I'm not feeling it I can head back in without too much hassle. But I ventured further this time, running around a lake nearby to break up the laps. I saw that I was doing well, and feeling good, so I kept going....and going. I decided to push for the 10k. And I got it. I ran 10.6km!

I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even crawling on the floor to get home. I recovered quickly. I felt athletic. I got beeped at twice by a car and a van! It was rather random. Stuff like that doesn't happen to me. Who would beep at my thundering thighs plodding down the street? Maybe they are not as offensive as I think?

The work I have been doing to the gym I go to must really be paying off, because I most certainly haven't been running. Who gets better at running without running!? Perhaps it was a fluke, and next time I head out normal service will resume and I will be huffing and puffing my way along the pavements. Even if it does, my moment can not be taken away from me.

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