Monday, 26 October 2015

I finally learnt to tie my shoe laces!

No, I'm not a simpleton who has only just learnt how to tie laces after 29 years of life, but I did find out how to properly tie my laces on my running shoes, preventing any movement or discomfort! It was amazing!

I have to say, though. The run itself was much more amazing. I ran a Race for Life 10k in July, and have maybe ran about 3km-5km a few times after 2 months of no running since then. This usually means I have to start from the beginning again, to try and build my stamina. Considering I'm doing another 10k in a couple of weeks, I realised I needed to get some miles under my belt. So I headed out, thinking I'll go as far as I can. I have a mile route around my house, which is handy because if I'm not feeling it I can head back in without too much hassle. But I ventured further this time, running around a lake nearby to break up the laps. I saw that I was doing well, and feeling good, so I kept going....and going. I decided to push for the 10k. And I got it. I ran 10.6km!

I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even crawling on the floor to get home. I recovered quickly. I felt athletic. I got beeped at twice by a car and a van! It was rather random. Stuff like that doesn't happen to me. Who would beep at my thundering thighs plodding down the street? Maybe they are not as offensive as I think?

The work I have been doing to the gym I go to must really be paying off, because I most certainly haven't been running. Who gets better at running without running!? Perhaps it was a fluke, and next time I head out normal service will resume and I will be huffing and puffing my way along the pavements. Even if it does, my moment can not be taken away from me.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Silently progressing and slowly believing

I am happy to report that this entry is not a 'Oh no, I'm back at square one and am starting all over again!' kind of post.  Progression has been made, although I have no hard statistics to back this up.  It's obvious that health isn't determined by numbers alone, and although this is something I learned awhile ago, I have only just started to believe it in the last few months.  

I have been exercising consistently because I found something I love to do.  To be fair, exercise hasn't been a problem for me all year,  I've had maybe two months in total where I haven't been regularly moving my arse, what has been a problem is food.

This shouldn't come as a surprise to me, as this battle between a love of fitness and obsession with doughnuts inspired my blog title.  It still saddens me that this is yet another attempt to win.  To achieve balance. To be able to go to Costa, have a coffee and a muffin and move on. I would then usually make the worst decision possible for my next meal, and snack on crisps, biscuits and chocolate to really ruin all of my efforts.  
This makes no logically sense, because the muffin would not have caused that much damaged.  Plenty of fit and healthy people have treats occasionally.  Heidi Powell, partner in crime to Chris Powell from Extreme Weight Loss, said on one of her youtube videos that she has a 'Morning Bun' every day.  I believe this is an american Starbucks thing? It looked like a cinnamon roll, but the without the icing. Mmmm, icing. It may be available here, but I'm not really a Starbucks person (go, Costa Coffee!!!!!).  Anyway, the point is - she looks awesome! She is superfit, a mother, and is mega-busy but has her daily treat.  And does not gain a million pounds every week.

I think muscle is the key.  I kind of forgot the awesome fact that muscle burns more calories than fat just by sitting there. Not doing anything!  Considering I work as an Admin-bird, that sounds pretty good. Plus I like lifting heavy things.  Feeling strong is awesome.  Who wouldn't want to?