Tuesday 17 February 2015

Is it wrong?

It is really bad, that I watch films and wish that would happen to me? And more to the point, that I am fit and skilled enough to deal with situations? I don't mean the rom-com style films, or the more interesting '50 shades....', but films like 'RED'.  That's what's on while I write this. Between wishing I could wield a firearm so smoothly, and thinking that someone who doesn't like Bruce Willis can't be trusted, I am trying to figure out why I have eaten what I just have.  Crisps, biscuits, and chocolate. Tomorrow is the beginning of Lent , I suppose, My chance to regain control! If only I didn't lose control so easily, like a child in a toy shop.  If I carry on like this, I'll never take down some crazed, egotistical, ex-military arms dealer!

I do the same when I play Tomb Raider.  Who wouldn't want to be Lara Croft?! She's intelligent, athletic, can kick ass and has an amazing body! I'll take her as a role model over Kim Kardashian, any day!  I'm not really sure what I'm going on about here. It must be the sugar, or the cold my body decided it would take on today.

Anyway, this is a rambling first entry to my blog.  Created in a moment slight clarity and definite despair,  Hopefully, through getting my thoughts out here I'll be able to finally find balance between doughnuts and dumbbells (I had to get it in, didn't I?).   I love both of these things. I love the strength I get from squatting with a barbell and doing a push up from my toes. Unfortunately, I also love the gooey, sweet sensation of a Krispy Kreme doughnut......amongst other things.

I need to find out how I can exercise and get the body I want, whilst also enjoying all the lovely things I like to eat.  I think this is the true reason I want to blog about this.  I'll just see where I end up!  

Right, I'm off to make pancakes.  Then, tomorrow. Another chance to get it all right!

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