Thursday 14 May 2015

Lightbulb Moment

Generally, when a weight-loss blogger doesn't post for awhile, it isn't because they are dominating the world with their abs of steel, or going around opening jars for old ladies with their thighs. Nine times out of ten, they're getting fatter. Now I had had some good and bad weeks during my silence, but my weight is only up a few pounds, and my size roughly the same. My fitness, however, has improved. This has led me to a light bulb moment, which I need to put down somewhere before I forget.

I am fitter. I am stronger. I have had bad patches, overcome them, and have worked my way to where I am now. I think I am basically realising that I have improved without being perfect. I have improved in many ways, whilst I have also being 'failing'.  This provides tremendous hope my future. My future weight, my future body, my future sporting challenges and my future sex life (who doesn't want improvement there?).

I have been going to a bootcamp since the start of the year, and although I love it and it does work, it lacks the weight training I craze.  Running is my go to cardio exercise but I always feel incredible doing weight training. Don't get me wrong, I have had my arsed kicked with body weight training alone, but that will only get me so far.  I decided this month would be my last one, and I would use gym membership instead.  I have a 10k to train for, as well as the Great Manchester Cycle. I'd love to do them all, but work takes up 9 hours of my day Monday to Friday. I also plan to use my kettlebell more. I love kettlebells! The most physical changes I have ever seen in my own body have been because of kettlebells. This week I decided to have a go at one of my DVDs. I grabbed my 6kg bell and went for it. I sweated like a bitch, my face wasn't too red, which is good, and I was able to push. I had been feeling weak because I hadn't done weight training in so long, and I expected to ache a lit from thw kettlebell. But today, two days aftwr my kettlebell workout, I realised I had no DOMS.
This was amazing.  Even though I hadn't used my kettlebell in so long, I was so much stronger that I could work so hard and not feel it. Cue the idea I need more weight. I start to play with my boyfriend's 9kg kettlebell.  I can do it. I did some basic exercises and I know I will struggle doing a whole workout, but I have something to work towards. I can use a 9kg kettlebell. I am so excited! I now can't wait to train for my run and bike ride and improve with my kettlebell and see where I am in 8 weeks time! My diet needs improvement, and it will always be something I have to work on, but if I eat clean 90% I will get somewhere very exciting.

I may need to read this post everyday for the next few day's, as I have a habit of having these moments and forgetting exactly what happened. Thank you, Internet.